Dreaming about your next vacation at Destin Gulfgate? Imagine endless white sand, emerald waters and a happy family. With a few simple items and a little creativity, you can beach like a local.
Blog: Beach Hacks for your Summer Vacation

Pay attention to the beach flag and understand the warning system before you head to the beach so you know what conditions to expect. Visit the Destin Beach Safety Facebook page for current flag conditions.
A plastic shower curtain in a sand hole filled with water will provide hours of entertainment for young kids. A cheap inflatable baby pool works great, too!
Meat tenderizer is good to have on hand for jellyfish stings. Meat tenderizer can be found in the spices section of any grocery store.
Don’t feed the seagulls… you’ll regret it.
Bring a mask and snorkel. The waters of Destin are known for their clarity, and your family will enjoy taking in the sights on the seafloor.
Chip clips come in handy to keep beach towels secure on your chair.
A ziplock bag can keep your phone dry and free of sand. No need to take the bag off to check your texts or post a cute picture of your sandy feet. The touchscreen will work through the bag.
Insulated cups are your friend on the beach. Don’t forget there is no glass allowed and always leave the beach as you found it or better. Advanced beach goers will chill their cup in the cooler before they fill it up.
Pack baby powder to help wipe all the sand off after your day on the beach. The powder absorbs the moisture, and the sand falls right off.
Bring individually packaged snacks. Sandy hands can ruin the whole bag.
Don’t underestimate the power of reflection. Our white sandy beaches are beautiful, but can increase your chances of a nasty sunburn. Apply BEFORE you get to the beach and reapply several times a day.Bring a hat and a moisture wicking shirt or rash guard to put on if you feel like you're getting too much sun.A bad sunburn will put a damper on your vacation